The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

Does the idea of public speaking tie your stomach up in knots? Do sweet words from loved ones leave you with a lump in your throat? Have you ever worried yourself sick? If so, then you’ve experienced the power of the mind-body connection. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, the relationship between…

Dangers of Dating a Drug Addict

The Physical and Mental Side Effects of Addiction Some of the perils of dating a drug addict include health jeopardies. For example, sexual health is seriously damaged in someone who is suffering from drug addiction. This can put a strain on an intimate relationship. Many relationships are damaged by addiction when a person only participates in…

The Facts about Depression (Infographic)

Depression affects your mental health as well as your physical health. The symptoms of depression can have a negative impact on motivation and happiness, and the negative thoughts and moods can fuel self-medication with drugs and alcohol that can turn into an addiction. The reality of depression reveals the importance of a depression treatment program for…

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida

For many people, drug addiction accompanies other health problems. Many people feel surprised to learn they also need help for a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or a personality disorder. Through dual diagnosis treatment in Florida, you receive the highest quality of treatment for all of your conditions at once. Call rehabs now…

Family Therapy Program

When people think of a residential treatment program for teens, individual and group counseling typically come to mind first. While these are essential services, a teen family therapy program that includes everyone in your teen’s life is just as crucial for recovery. Each family participates in at least one family therapy session weekly, either in…

Myths About Mental Health

The Most Common Mental Health Disorders According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, mental health disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially among adolescents. There are, of course, a broad range of common mental health disorders. And there is an even more extensive range of symptoms, particularly in terms of severity. Such a…