Addiction Counseling Care Blog
Addiction is an unrelenting and undiscriminating disease. There is no cure for addiction but more and more treatments are available nowadays. While not every addiction or treatment is the same, addiction counseling care can help patients no matter the abused substance. Therapy and counseling sessions are a vital part of any treatment program and help patients relate positively to themselves and their addiction.
Addiction Counseling Care Therapy Options
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a tried and true treatment method for addiction and substance abuse. It attacks the mental aspects of addiction and seeks to undo fallacies in thought patterns that lead to the drug using behavior.
Dialectical behavioral therapy
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is similar to CBT but focuses on emotions rather than thoughts. This therapy attempts to help patients identify and regulate emotions which are affecting their addictive behaviors.
Motivational interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a therapy technique where therapists attempt to guide their patients and help them set goals. The therapy is meant to build a personal desire to stay sober in patients.
Family counseling
Family counseling is an important therapy option as many drug abusers have issues which stem from unresolved familial issues. Undergoing therapy along with your family helps heal these wounds and allow patients to reform bonds with their primary support structure.